#globalwarming #NWF: From: Jim Lyon: Sent: Tuesday, April 03, 2012: Subject: All Hands – Help NWF reach 2 million comments to fight global warming: Colleagues,
We need your help. Last week Jeremy updated staff about the historic action by the Environmental Protection Agency in proposing the first-ever national carbon pollution limits for new power plant smokestacks – the biggest source of carbon pollution. This is a milestone in our fight to reduce global warming. This proposed carbon regulation will open for a 60 day public comment period prior to the EPA issuing a final rule.
NWF and our ally organizations have set a record-breaking goal for generating TWO MILLION public comments in support. If successful, this would be the largest public response to an environmental protection standard in history. In order to accomplish this historic task, we need your help in three simple actions:
Action 1: Submit a comment in your name. This could not be simpler, and takes only a couple minutes. Click on this NWF link http://online.nwf.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=1545&s_src=Networks and you will see a very simple info portal, a sample note to work from, and “submit” button. To date, NWF has already collected over 40,000 public comments online, and we will submit all of them to EPA directly.
Action 2: Help us bounce this out online to the masses.
- Send NWF’s online action alert to your networks: http://online.nwf.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=1545&s_src=Networks
- Post on Facebook:
o Join me in advocating for the future of polar bears, whose Arctic ice is already diminishing as climate change increases global temperatures. Add your voice in support of limits on industrial carbon pollution http://online.nwf.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=1545&s_src=Networks
- Tweet:
o Join me in fighting for the future of wildlife – http://online.nwf.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=1545&s_src=Networks – take action to protect polar bears whose ice is melting
o RT @wildlifeaction Polar bears are starving as their ice melts due to rising global temps. Take action today – http://online.nwf.org/site/Advocacy?pagename=homepage&id=1545&s_src=Networks
Action 3: Contact Jenny Kordick (Kordickj@nwf.org) on our Action Team if you want to do more, like taking NWF’s wildlife carbon rule postcards to an upcoming event or other actions to help us reach 2,000,000.
Thank you.
Jim Lyon
Vice President for Conservation Policy
National Wildlife Federation
[& Senior Advisor, National Wildlife Federation Action Fund]National Advocacy Center
901 E St. NW, Suite 400
Washington, DC 20004
202-797-6888 Lyon@nwf.org