Keep your New Year’s resolution with a Dvorak adventure
The most common New Year’s resolution is losing weight. January is packed with new runners in the park, gym memberships soar and everyone is searching the internet and daydreaming about the clothes they are going to buy once they reach their weight goal. But, alas, by February the runners disappear and the gym is suspiciously less crowded.
Get fresh air and exercise in 2015 on a Dvorak Expedition
Only about 8% of us manage to stick to and fulfill our New Year’s resolutions. Mostly because we set unreasonable goals and put too much pressure on ourselves, that we are bound to fail. So before we get to 2015, take a minute to go over these tips to help you succeed.
- Pick ONE resolution. If you have a long list of things you want to change, or better about yourself you are bound to fail on one or more, and failure will put you in a negative space making other resolutions hard to accomplish.
- Be specific. For example, if you resolution is to lose weight, set a specific weight goal. Just wanting to lose weight is too arbitrary and you’ll have a hard time getting there.
- Take it one day at a time. You have all year
- Baby steps. Even a tiny improvement is still an improvement. Don’t expect everything to happen all at once.
- Celebrate every tiny improvement. Be your own cheerleader. Getting closer to your goal, even if it’s just by half a pound is a step in the right direction and you should feel proud.
- Expect a few bumps in the road. Remind yourself that you are human. Laugh it off, don’t punish yourself and give up completely just because you couldn’t resist some birthday cake at a party. Enjoy the cake, and then start right back up the next day.
Dvorak Expeditions is a great way to be active and have fun
At Dvorak Expeditions we’ve got trips for everyone, and they all involve fresh air and exercise. But mostly, they are fun and exciting. From whitewater rafting, kayaking, SUP, mountain biking, horseback riding and much much more. We’ve been doing this long before anyone else, and we have the best guides in the country who would love to help you set up the perfect expeditions for you and your family. Call us today, and let us be a part of succeeding on your 2015 New Year’s resolution.