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Stories From The Water

NATIONAL MONUMENTS: A Powerful Conservation Tool

Browns Canyon National Monument OUR COUNTRY HAS 117 NATIONAL MONUMENTS scattered across 30 states, from the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor to the Misty Fjords in Alaska. National monuments have been established to protect coral reefs in American Samoa, Spanish forts in Florida and extinct volcanoes in New Mexico as well as landscape-scale,…

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August 5, 2016

Browns Canyon is Model for Landscape-Scale Conservation

Reposted from Maintaining outdoor traditions, generating local sportsmen support must be key considerations for future national monument proposals, according to national report Salida, CO -( Designation of the new, 21,586-acre Browns Canyon National Monument is delivering landscape-scale conservation benefits, continued hunting and angling opportunity, and economic payoffs, said sportsmen-conservation leaders at a gathering of decision-makers and journalists on the Arkansas River over the weekend. Coloradans worked for more than 40 years to permanently conserve and protect the diverse terrain of Browns Canyon, which includes high alpine meadows and lakes, winter range in the pinon-juniper hills, habitat for iconic big game species, and the Arkansas River—one of Colorado’s most popular trout fisheries. The monument was formally designated on Feb. 19, 2015. “The Arkansas River and Browns Canyon is a story about persistence and working together for the common good,” said Corey…

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May 25, 2016

How Does National Monument Status Affect Rafting in Browns Canyon?

So, now that Browns Canyon is a National Monument and federally protected, you’re probably asking yourself how this will affect opportunities to raft the white waters of the Arkansas River. Bill Dvorak was an integral part is securing national monument status for Browns Canyon, and ensuring the tradition of whitewater rafting was an important aspect of this conservation initiative. Whitewater rafting continues in Browns Canyon Since management of the Arkansas River will remain the same, the tradition whitewater rafting on the Arkansas River will continue for generations to come. But now that Browns Canyon is a national monument, there are other areas of the park that are now protected and maintained, like the unparalleled rafting, kayaking, hunting, fishing, horseback riding, climbing and hiking. Monument status will also protect historic water and grazing rights. No new roads will be constructed in…

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March 27, 2015

Bill Dvorak and Friends of Browns Canyon Visit the White House

Nope, we’re not done talking about Browns Canyon NATIONAL MONUMENT!!! It was already official, with the Presidential announcement made in Chicago, but now it is even more official, since Bill Dvorak and Friends of Browns Canyon went to the White House to meet with the president. YES!! Browns Canyon is officially a National Monument thanks…

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March 10, 2015

Bill Dvorak and Browns Canyon National Monument Victory Cont’d

We’re still just so thrilled about Browns Canyon becoming the newest National Monument in the United States. It really is a proud moment and we’re still jumping up and down and shouting this wonderful news from the rooftops…and our blogs! For our fearless leader, Bill Dvorak, this is truly a personal victory on many levels,…

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March 4, 2015