Now that we’ve assured you that anyone can conquer the kayak, let’s talk about the thing that ever newbie fears when they get out on the water: what happens if I tip over? Dvorak has the best guides in the country; we’re here to keep it safe and fun. Our kayaks are wide and stable and safe for beginners.
How to free yourself from a tipped over kayak
It may look like a kayak will tip over at the drop of a hat or if you are just a little bit unstable with your paddling, but that is simply not true. We will make sure that your boat is fitted to you and your skill level to keep you as safe as possible. In our kayaks, you’d have to work pretty hard to make it tip over. That being said; never say never. The rivers should never be underestimated and safety is our number one concern, we will never set you up for failure.

Our guides will take you through the steps to getting out in case your kayak tips. Safety is our number one concern.
Once you get the hang of your kayak and you start to be a little braver, paddle a little harder and drive your kayak a little faster you’ll wonder why you never did this before. But in your excitement and enthusiasm, mistakes can happen and your kayak might tip over. When the boat tips and you’re hanging upside down, the simplest way is to free yourself is simply to let gravity do its thing. Stay relaxed, let your body drop and swim up to the surface. If you’re not wearing the skirt, the width of our kayaks means that you’ll simply drop out without problems. If you are wearing the skirt, our guides will show you how to release yourself in the event of tipping over. No one is expecting you to stay in your kayak and roll it back up to the surface. See, now does that seem scary?
If you’re still nervous but want to try something new and test your own skills, talk to your Dvorak guides. We will go over simple safety techniques with everyone before each trip and make sure you are totally comfortable with your equipment. And all of our guides are safety and rescue trained, so no matter how you travel down the river, should an accident happen, our guides will know what to do to keep everyone safe on the river.
Top rated rafting and kayaking expeditions in Colorado, Idaho, Utah and Wyoming
We’re not here to pressure you into kayaking, but if you think you can’t because you’re out of shape or because you’ve never done it then you are wrong and we’d love to show you how much fun it can be to kayak the rivers of the great southwestern United States. For the best outdoor adventures and guides in the country, trust Dvorak Expeditions with your next rafting, kayaking, SUP, float, boat or canoe trip down the Colorado, Arkansas, North Platte, Salmon, San Miguel, Green and Dolores Rivers.