The only thing we love more than rafting and kayaking the Colorado rapids is hearing from all of the people whom we have shared these experiences with. We see people from all walks of life and all levels of experience, but nothing is more exciting than learning what an impact we have had on our clients. Particularly the teens that we spend the summer training and educating on the art of river running in our teen skills camp.
Testimonial from our Whitewater Teen Skills Camp 2015
This summer was no different. Teens from all over signed up for our 11 or 22 day teen skills camp to learn to kayak, paddle, and canoe. Our goal is to teach teens to understand, respect and protect the rivers and the surrounding environment. Of course, much of the time is spent in the water learning river running and rescue skills.

Teenage Whitewater Skills River Camp teaches kids to navigate and respect the rivers and wildlife, as well as giving them invaluable skills that will last a lifetime.
The benefits of our teen skills camp are invaluable! But don’t take our word for it. We’re going to let one of our most recent campers paint a beautiful picture of a summer spent with the DVK crew at our Teen Skills Camp.
“The opportunity to pursue my dream….
There I was, sitting in a giant plastic tube that concealed my legs, with only a frail paddle to dictate my direction. Behind me there were six identical boats, all floating in a line like baby ducks. In front of me there were restless waves crashing down and shaking my small kayak. I spotted the bright red kayak ahead of me, snaking its way through waves and rocks with ease. I tried to follow the path our trip leader picked out for us, the baby ducks. My paddle fluttered desperately through the air as I tried to keep my small kayak from flipping. Once we had all successfully made it through the swift water I turned around to examine the rapid I had just pushed through. The rapid looked as if someone had poured a cup of water over a washing board. It was tiny. Yet despite the lack of difficulty, I felt proud. I had just made it through my first rapid, in a kayak, along the Green River.
During the summer of 2015 I was a participant in Dvorak Expedition’s skills training camp. For many years I had dreamed about becoming a raft guide, and spending my summers exploring the boundless wilderness of Colorado, but until this summer I never believed it was possible. When I first arrived at Dvorak I was timid. I learned that for the next two weeks I would be living in a 1986 school bus with Gabby (guide), and of course I would be accompanied by six, 14, 15 and 16 year old boys. I won’t deny that I was nervous. However, the very first day I was loaded on a raft and headed down one of the world’s most sought-out class three rivers, Browns Canyon, and I was certain the next two weeks would be incredible.
During the training camp, we were taken down two different rivers, the Arkansas and the Green River, one in a raft and one in kayaks. After one day of kayak training, four guides and seven inexperienced kayakers packed out for five days on the Green River in northern Utah. The trip was extraordinary. The towering canyons walls and ungroomed foliage were breathtakingly beautiful and the sandy beaches were warm and comforting. When I gave up on trying to kayak, finding that it was not a skill I possessed, I tried to row the giant gear boat. Although I was rocky, once I began rowing ‘I was determined that I would one day be a raft guide’.
Once the skills camp was over, since I was 17, I was offered the chance to return as an intern, anxious to be back on the river and learning what a guide needs to know. The community within Dvorak’s was extremely welcoming and passionate. I immediately felt accepted, and was overcome with admiration for the overwhelming talent that surrounded me.
Not only did Dvorak’s provide an incredibly unique experience, but they also offered me the opportunity to pursue my dream!
By Rayni Lewis July 24, 2015”
Sign up for DVK’s Colorado Whitewater Teen Skills Camp 2016!
Teens learning the art of river running and the importance of protecting and preserving our environment at our Teen Skills Camp
If you’re looking for an alternative to your typical summer camp, if your teen is interested in learning the art of river running, learn the skills to become an outdoor river rafting and adventure guide, learn to respect and protect the environment, as well as rescue skills, then this is just the camp for your teens.
Call (800) 824-3795/(719) 539-6851 to sign up for the 2016 Whitewater Teen Skills Camp.
Dvorak offers a variety of instructional courses, raft guide training courses, paddle school, and rescue courses.
We also offer rafting, kayaking and fishing trips of the Colorado River, Dolores River, Green River, Arkansas River, Gunnison River, Salmon River, North Platte River, San Miguel River and Rio Grande River.
Dvorak’s Expeditions – Est. 1969
Family Owned & Operated
Bill & Jaci Dvorak