A good winter and ski season in #Leadville means a good rafting season for us on #TheArkansasRiver. For those of you who didn’t know – Leadville had a great winter… The snow pack melting and the runoff water is giving us a high water season, that is shaping up to be one of the best in many years.
#ScienceDaily explains: “Surface runoff is water, from rain, snowmelt, or other sources, that flows over the land surface, and is a major component of the water cycle.”
Our Senior Guides #BrotherLove & #Ivan lets us know why raft guides are so excited about this high water: “Big water boating is exciting because there are less exposed rocks in the river and the rapids are more fun. In other words because the waves are bigger yet we have lower risk rapids.”. This is a season you don’t want to miss!
Book your white water rafting Colorado trip today!