Playful, eye-popping display on exterior of McNichols Event Center highlights efforts to protect Browns Canyon
This free event, open to the public, is sponsored by Sportsmen for Browns Canyon, a grassroots coalition of hunters and anglers dedicated to protecting Browns Canyon.
Browns Canyon, a rugged wild canyon and popular fishing, hunting and recreation destination in western Colorado, will come to downtown Denver in “Browns Canyon Live”—a spectacular display of light and images on the exterior of McNichols Civic Center building on Friday,
Oct. 17. The playful, eye-popping light and music show will transform the exterior of McNichols with oversized, colorful images and video that showcase the wonders of Browns Canyon and highlight efforts to protect it as a National Monument.
Dvorak Expeditions offers a wide range of fishing trips near Denver
Our Arkansas River guided fishing trips are fully catered including all boating equipment, delicious meals and beverages. Once on shore, we take care of the camp chores and cooking while you kick-back or keep on fishing to your heart’s content. Fishing reels, rods, flies and gear we recommend you use can be rented from us or you are welcome to bring your own. A valid fishing license must also be purchased in the state you wish to fish in which we are happy to help you with.
Bill and Jaci Dvorak have been operating Dvorak Rafting and Kayak Expeditions, located in the scenic Arkansas River Valley at the headwaters of the Arkansas River in Colorado, since 1985. Contact us and we can help you plan the perfect adventure for you!