Happy New Year, Paddlers!
Raise your paddle if you have “weight loss and fitness” at the top of your New Year’s Resolution List! Yup, we’re not even going to count, we’re just here to support you, and offer up some fun, exciting suggestions for reaching your 2016 goals. Forget the gym, forget the new fitness trends, forget quick fix weight loss programs, and join us for some good old fashioned calorie burning kayaking down the rivers of Colorado.

Burn up to 1600 calories during a full day kayaking adventure with Dvorak Expeditions in Colorado.
Kayaking is the most fun way to lose weight
You probably have friends talking your ear off about the benefits and fast results that high-intensity interval training can yield. But, instead of getting stuck in a stuffy box throwing medicine balls and swinging kettle bells, get your butt in a kayak, and we’ll show you some REAL high-intensity interval training. Plus, you’ll be laughing, screaming, and cheering the whole way.
With all the indoor options available, sometimes we forget how much fun – and how challenging – it can be to take on the river rapids in a kayak. This type of physical activity is rewarding on so many levels. There will be tranquil moments when you can breathe the fresh air and take in the scenery, but then you’ll need to engage every muscle group to take on the upcoming Class II-V+ rapids.

You’re going to have so much fun on our kayaking trips that you won’t even realize how many calories you are burning.
One day and multiple days kayaking trips in Colorado
Okay, you want us to give you some numbers. Take a one-day kayaking trip, for instance. You can easily burn between 300-400 calories in an hour, and for a full day trip, you can probably burn up to 1600 calories!! So, if calorie counting is your thing, then it’s time you took the kayak out for a spin – or a float?!
The fresh air, scenery, and sounds of the rushing river will also help you de-stress, and if you need to get completely zen to feel you are getting the most out of your “workout,” add a little fly fishing to your trip.
Kayaking is good for the mind, body, and soul
Talk to us about customizing the perfect kayaking trip in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Texas, and beyond.