The “BEST on Earth” Company You Keep
Bill Dvorak Rafting & Kayak Expeditions Est. 1969 – Best Outfitters on Earth
It’s Not Where to Go…
But Who to Go With That Matters Most.
That is the essence of Dvorak Expeditions. We’ve alleviated the research, legwork and uncertainty associated with choosing the right whitewater trip for you or your family. But please, just don’t take our word for it. It’s reassuring for you to know that the editors and staff researchers of National Geographic Adventure Magazine also feel the same way. Review the November 2007 issue and you’ll find Bill Dvorak Kayak & Rafting Expeditions touted as the best in the world!
What is Protect Open Space?
Bill Dvorak’s River Rafting Expeditions along with other local businesses are in partnership with The Land Trust of the Upper Arkansas to protect open space. Open space is land that is valued for natural processes and wildlife, agricultural and forest production, aesthetic beauty, active and passive recreation, and other public benefits. Such lands include working and natural forests, rangelands and grasslands, farms ranches, parks, stream and river corridors and other natural lands within rural, suburban, and urban areas. Open space may be protected or unprotected, public or private.
Why Protect Open Space?
The loss of open space threatens the sustainability of the Nation’s forests, grasslands and rivers. Per the USDA report of Dec-2007, we lose approximately 6,000 acres of open space each day across the United States – a rate of four acres per minute. And, land development is outpacing population growth, especially in rural areas where the trend is low density, dispersed growth. The new Forest Service report “National Forests on the Edge” projects that over 21 million acres of rural private lands near national forests and 44 million acres of private land will undergo increases in housing density by 2030. We want to thank you in advance for helping to keep Chaffee County’s land and river corridors protected. For more information on strategy and priority actions to conserve open space, please log onto